Sunday, June 9, 2013


It seems like they are all the same. The male species that is. I have two brothers, six sons, six nephews, and one grandson(and with the exception of him) they are each in their own way butt holes. Actually now that I think of it he has his moments too. They smell, tend to be lazy with helping you out. Even the good hearted well intentioned ones that usually do it for you take their sweet ass time. I am one of them people that want you to do it when I ask you NOT when you feel like it. Of course me in my own right can procrastinate any time I want to, but I want it done NOW!  I wish each of them just for one day had to pick up my dirty socks & underwear off of the bathroom floor ( not the hamper) or wherever I choose to leave them. How about walking around picking up the dishes I leave laying around, like the oatmeal bowl on your dresser. By the way we haven't had oatmeal in two weeks, but I would love to uncrust that bowl for you. I pretty sure there is someone out there saying "I would just throw the bowl away" Yah, I don't earn money like that. I would just like for the over full trashcan to be emptied without my input. You see it is full, why on God,s good earth would you try to put more in it. Then when it falls on the floor shrug your shoulders and begin to walk away!  ARRRRG! you  are making me crazy. Later  got stuff to do.

Friday, May 10, 2013

O.K. So I didn't entirely tell the truth.

I know, I said I was gonna do this everyday since I am not working, but everybody in my world thinks I don't have anything to do, so they supply me with plenty.
 I even was trying to keep notes on things that I wanted to blog about.
 Like second hand smoke, drug testing and welfare & some other subjects I can not think of right now. BTW, I don't know where that notebook is right now. I'm only 46 and can not remember crap. Anyway my kids are bugging me so I am gonna go. I am gonna really really try to keep up with this.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm Back......

Been gone for bout 3 weeks but I have been having some major computer issues. Hopefully this is fixed. Have been having some family drama lately, which actually doesn't include me I'm just stuck in the middle.
Anyway I am not gonna let it get to me. Happy Valentines Day Everyone! Be back later good nite.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Just a Little Blah lately.

It's been a few days since I've been here.
 Been down in the dumps, not sure why but it's gone and I'm good.
It's time to get back on track, need to take care of some personal stuff this week then get on with it. Yesterday or maybe the day before I started "SPRING CLEANING" even though it is only January and technically not spring.
 I figure...
 1.) I'm not working. 2.) When spring does get here I can enjoy it because my spring cleaning will be done.
I really want to get the outside stuff done before it warms up cause then I have to deal with pests, like bugs and stuff.
I am definitely not a fan.
Anyway I'm back and ready to go. I was really getting into to this everyday, it's kinda therapeutic.

Bye for now B =)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Leaving the past behind you.

Over the last few years I've had alot of resentment towards certain people in my life. I have been working on getting through it.
I resented my husband who has had health issues, because I was and sometimes still am the one person who is in charge of everything.
He didn't TRY to do things around the house, always claiming I can't.
It took almost two years to get him to clean out his dresser drawers.

Then there is my brother. He never visits , never calls, but then talks behind my back to people telling lies. I've ignored it, if he sends you a message via email,facebook, or voicemail, and you don't respond as quickly as he wants you to then you get a nasty and often uncalled for response. It leaves you not wanting to deal with him, but you do because of his kids.
The resentment I have towards him stems from the death of my parents. We live in Kentucky, he lives in our hometown Chicago.
My father passed away in 2008 and he did not show up before my father passed (he had a free ride here) or after. My mother had a memorial for my dad up there about a month later he didn't come.
He told his children that we didn't tell him.
In 2010 my mother had surgery and then became ill. He had a chance to come see her (again for free)  he didn't. She passed.
Since both of their passing he claims he has cancer, I say claims because we don't know for sure.
Most of what comes out of his mouth is lies.
I went and visited him. I didn't stay at his house,but I went over there 3 out of the 4 days I was up there. His 14 year old son peed on MY car door and handle.
He claims it didn't happen. He claims I left town and never said goodbye, I was outside smoking and just left. At the time I had quit smoking for over a year, so I wasn't outside smoking like he claims.

This is really nothing just the tip of the iceberg, before the visit he told us that he had cancer and wasn't going to be around much longer. Recently he told my sister that he now has MS, he is crazy. He has been doing drugs for as long as I can remember, when I say drugs I mean cocaine, smoking weed and who knows what else.I believe they are eating his brain and thats what is going to kill him.  I've tried to keep the peace just because he is my brother and I love him, but I can not do it anymore. Today I let him know that I was tired of the BS and I wasn't going to deal with it anymore.

I just had to get rid of this .
Thanks for listening.

=) B.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Its been raining for two days.Today it's cold ,but it has been extremely warm for January. 
Today I woke up all clogged up with a sore throat. Probably allergies with the warm weather.
 Missed church this morning. Slept like crap last night because of thunder.
I'm gonna make it a good day anyway. I'm gonna turn on the radio and accomplish something today,which will make me feel better.

BFN  Have a Good One!

                                =) B

Saturday, January 12, 2013

OMG Why is this happening to me?

Did you ever notice when your having a bad day that it is almost always someone else's fault?
In all reality of course it is not. If you are having a bad day, it is usually your own fault. It's like the optimistic/pessimistic thing. When you drop a can of corn on your toe do you - !@#$%^&*()?, then be done with it?
 Or do you !@#$%^&*()? and then !@#$%^&*()? some more and then call people to complain about it (this is where the bad day ball starts rolling). Then while you are on the phone complaining you DROP your phone into a cup of coffee - !@#$%^&*()_? "the start of a bad day".
BTW True situations, yes they happened to me, although not on the same day.

Now if you  !@!#$%^&*()_+? and went on with your day like nothing bad had happened, you wouldn't have been on your phone in the first place causing you to drop it into your coffee thus having to pour out a perfectly good cup of coffee to retrieve your phone. (All said in one breath, thank you).

BAM Not a bad day!

Have a Great Day! =) B