Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Leaving the past behind you.

Over the last few years I've had alot of resentment towards certain people in my life. I have been working on getting through it.
I resented my husband who has had health issues, because I was and sometimes still am the one person who is in charge of everything.
He didn't TRY to do things around the house, always claiming I can't.
It took almost two years to get him to clean out his dresser drawers.

Then there is my brother. He never visits , never calls, but then talks behind my back to people telling lies. I've ignored it, if he sends you a message via email,facebook, or voicemail, and you don't respond as quickly as he wants you to then you get a nasty and often uncalled for response. It leaves you not wanting to deal with him, but you do because of his kids.
The resentment I have towards him stems from the death of my parents. We live in Kentucky, he lives in our hometown Chicago.
My father passed away in 2008 and he did not show up before my father passed (he had a free ride here) or after. My mother had a memorial for my dad up there about a month later he didn't come.
He told his children that we didn't tell him.
In 2010 my mother had surgery and then became ill. He had a chance to come see her (again for free)  he didn't. She passed.
Since both of their passing he claims he has cancer, I say claims because we don't know for sure.
Most of what comes out of his mouth is lies.
I went and visited him. I didn't stay at his house,but I went over there 3 out of the 4 days I was up there. His 14 year old son peed on MY car door and handle.
He claims it didn't happen. He claims I left town and never said goodbye, I was outside smoking and just left. At the time I had quit smoking for over a year, so I wasn't outside smoking like he claims.

This is really nothing just the tip of the iceberg, before the visit he told us that he had cancer and wasn't going to be around much longer. Recently he told my sister that he now has MS, he is crazy. He has been doing drugs for as long as I can remember, when I say drugs I mean cocaine, smoking weed and who knows what else.I believe they are eating his brain and thats what is going to kill him.  I've tried to keep the peace just because he is my brother and I love him, but I can not do it anymore. Today I let him know that I was tired of the BS and I wasn't going to deal with it anymore.

I just had to get rid of this .
Thanks for listening.

=) B.

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